Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Caribbean Costa Rica #6: more fun with the Bribri

As guests of the Bribri, we were treated to several special demonstrations.  Julio led us through the jungle on a medicinal plants tour; interestingly, while many of the wild plants are delicious herbs and spices (incredible fresh ginger root, for instance)  they don't use them in cooking (their meals are very bland).

Julio also treated us to a bow & arrow demonstration.  These were the traditional very large bows & arrows that have always been used for hunting & fishing (and perhaps defeating the Conquistadors!),  We all got to try our hand at nailing a banana pod: I was pathetic and opted for taking pictures; both Greg & Jamie managed to sink an arrow into the pod on almost every attempt.

We also got to participate in the making of chocolate!  This is quite the process: first the pods are picked from the cacao tree; then the seeds are fermented, then roasted; next they're crushed using the traditional stone-and-bowl method; next the chafe is separated out; finally the crushed seeds are put through a grinder and out comes chocolate! This is formed into balls; Greg purchased one for us to bring home & we grind a bit of it on top of our daily cappuccino -- what a treat!

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