Monday, February 5, 2024

2023 Paintings

I didn't do much painting in 2023. Here are the few I managed to crank out.

We loved camping at the South Monticello park near Elephant Butte NM. This is the view we had from our rv site. Jamie & I loved sitting here and watching all the birds on the lake.

Another favorite place: Cape Blanco State Park near Port Orford Oregon. 

And the ever present wild foxglove that grows everywhere along the South Oregon Coast. 

I painted miniatures to use as Christmas gift tags for family; they do double duty as tree ornaments. The Gnomes were especially fun, and very well received.

My final 2023 piece was pretty special. My daughter-in-law Jenise is a great gardener and has a masterpiece yard. This is her agave, the photo taken by Jamie many years ago when the plant was just a baby. I painted it for Jenise, from Jamie & Me --- need I say there wasn't a dry eye in the house? 

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