Wednesday, March 23, 2016

New Paintings: all watercolor on YUPO

Gee, I haven't posted anything for a while -- guess I'd better catch up.

I was challenged to the Facebook '5 paintings in 5 days', which only requires the artist to post 5 paintings they've done.  Since I hadn't been painting much lately, I accepted the challenge but with the twist of completing 5 NEW paintings over a 5-day period, and do them on YUPO. This is a polypropylene surface and quite a challenge in itself -- reacts something like oil on water, only in reverse.  So watercolor on YUPO is fun, unpredictable, and gives that desired 'juicy' result.  I really enjoy working this way as I tend to get a little tight with my work, especially when I haven't been painting regularly.

'Centurion', agave in bloom at Tucson Mountain Park
'Fiddler on the Beach', fiddler crab

'Aspen Falls', somewhere in the Black Hills SD

'Ready for the Runway', one of my imaginary peacocks

'Sonoran Sunset', from near Organ Pipe Natl Monument AZ

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