Monday, February 29, 2016

Recent ART

WOW!  I just discovered I haven't posted photos of any recent paintings!  So here's an update of the pieces I've completed so far this year.

I've taken a little time off from painting, doing other stuff, but I'm wired to get out my supplies & crank out a few pieces I've been itching to get at.  Stay tuned . . .

I painted this as a birthday gift for Grandson Miles.  It's called 'All that Glitters'  There is glittery pyrite and an obsidian arrowhead in it, among other things.

 These 2 X 12 roses are watercolor on Yupo, a 'plastic' surface.  Fun to work with!  I donated these to the 65 Roses for Cystic Fibrosis benefit held in Loveland Colorado by my good friend Billie Colson -- her granddaughter has Cystic Fibrosis.

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