Tuesday, January 7, 2014


January 7, 2014:
We're currently parked in a lovely spot in the Sonoran Desert north of Organ Pipe NM in SW Arizona.  Sleepyhead me, I just missed getting pictures of an incredible sunrise today but got these shots as the sun was bouncing off the hills around us -- I'll be ready for tomorrow's sunrise, you can count on it.  There's also our view from the 'office' window. 

We paid our RV park rent for another month so we have a spot in Ajo when we run out of water or maybe the weather will turn chilly (70s expected today).  We do well without hookups; solar + generators provide all the comforts of home.

It's awesome here, painting scenes everywhere I look, very quiet, secluded from the road but easy access.  We're lovin' it!

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