Thursday, October 17, 2013


Yesterday we climbed the back side of Comb Ridge.  The Ridge is a tremendous monocline extending over 80 miles  north to south, from west of Blanding to southwest of Bluff; a monocline is drastically uptilted ridge.  The climb was steep, and about 2 miles to the ridge where we could look down on Comb Wash and Valley [with Cedar Mesa in the background] on one side and Butler Wash Valley on the other side.  It was quite a hike but well worth it!

Jamie at the edge of Comb Ridge, looking over the Comb Wash Valley; Cedar Mesa is just visible in the far background.

Me at same spot as Jamie above,  but the view is Butler Wash valley.

Me again, this time overlooking Comb Wash & Cedar Mesa.

This shot overlooking Comb Ridge valley was taken from the edge of the monocline; it's a sheer drop-off of at least 700 feet, probably more.

 In this shot I angled my camera to align with the angle of the rock face along the ridge.

This is the edge of Comb Ridge, at the lower end.  Notice the background appears hazy; that's the pollution from the power plant at Page Arizona.

Looking down on Comb Wash valley, with the sand 4wd road winding through -- an interesting drive!

Another view of the Comb Wash basin:

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