Tuesday, September 3, 2013


As we travel, we come across and witness some jaw-dropping things. Jamie calls these 'Time Warps'; I've come to think of them as 'Road Rash'. 

Our latest was yesterday, driving from Pocatello Idaho to Honeyville Utah -- through driving rain storms along a very busy Interstate 15. We pulled into a truck stop at the Interstate Interchange and decided to grab a quick bite at Taco Time in the gas station. Well, it turned into an extended luncheon. 

Some people had been waiting for their [fast food??] orders for about an hour; we learned this after we ordered & paid. It got worse and worse. The 3 young women running the place were totally disorganized and simply could NOT get orders put together! One couple had asked for their money back, and the workers weren't authorized to do that -- those folks were patient & waited for over 45 minutes for the manager to show up & refund their money for their lunch which never did show up. 

A partial order came for one table; however, the lady's hamburger didn't have any meat on it. We finally asked for our money back; the young worker who was apparently in charge said "I have your food ready" and then started apologizing to other customers who were getting angry -- she seemed to forget that our food was ready! I kept asking her to bring us our order; finally she did. 

Maybe you had to be there . . . . I envision order #11 still waiting for their order (we were #13).

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