Friday, September 6, 2013


Well friends, it's been 12 weeks since we hit the road in the 5th-wheel.  We're both happy to report we ARE indeed happy.  Living in a small space with a tiny refrigerator, doing dishes by hand, 3-burner range (the front burner works fine), oven that accommodates one cake pan, and very few clothes to launder in the non-existent washer/dryer seems to agree with us. 

We're blessed to have great windows and awesome ventilation + a super air conditioner, the furnace worked just fine on the few chilly mornings we had in Canada and Montana, the new mattress loves us both, I'm just fine with the little stove [baked almond/poppyseed/banana muffins this morning], we're both basically OK with doing dishes by hand and using laundromats, I've become an expert at grocery shopping and coming back with enough stuff to totally cram full the pantry and the little freezer/frig, and Jamie's running his CSU RamCT support job just fine remotely -- as always, he works too darn much!

We've seen some beautiful places, been through some places we really don't care to visit, have flagged more places to visit 'next time', and can't wait to just keep going! We've met some lovely folks, many of them full-time RVers, and we've encountered some really strange folks . . . We started a speadsheet of RV parks that are lovely and well-run + those we don't plan to return to.  We know where to find good grocery stores for stocking up, and we've discovered some great restaurants. 


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