Sunday, November 19, 2023

Feels like i live here!

 I've been in my apartment a month now. It's been a busy month of buying furniture & accessories and dishes & glasses and so much more. Tons of details taken care of too (moving out of an RV and changing resident states is challenging).

The place hasn't felt like I live here --- it's felt like living in a hotel, not really my place. Everything is new, nothing is familiar. I've felt disconnected, displaced, somewhat disoriented.

But yesterday and today I hung my paintings that I just got back from the framer. Now this feels like HOME! It feels like MY PLACE!

I sit in my comfy chair and revisit Norway, Denmark, Ireland, Scotland, and Italy. I stretch out on my sofa and travel back to Canyon Country of Utah and Lee's Ferry AZ where rafters enter Marble Canyon as they begin their journey down the Colorado and through the Grand Canyon. 

My paintings take me back to places Jamie and I loved, and where we spent so much time together. Such fond memories of the incredible life we had together. How I miss that man!

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