Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Marianna Florida

We are at inlaw's outside Marianna. Hurricane Michael passed directly over their property, just 8 days after they moved here from Missouri. They sustained quite a lot of damage, but not nearly as much as so many others did. The 25 acre property had huge trees around the perimeter, many of which were snapped off or uprooted (we have been helping cut up and clear). A section of siding on an outbuilding was torn off and hurled across the fence, impaled by a tree! Picture 3rd from bottom shows the whole end of an outbuilding torn off - that's where our trailer is now parked.

If you have never seen hurricane devastation, it is impossible to comprehend - the destruction stretches well over 100 miles in every direction. Marianna is over 60 miles from the coast.

1 comment:

  1. I visit your blog at least every couple of weeks. I had no idea we could make comments down here until you mentioned it in your post. You have to click on the obscure orange "no comments" button, but it was pretty easy to figure out.

    What devastation and destruction. It must've been quite the site during the event. How did you get the aerial view here?
