Saturday, September 29, 2018

Winchester Bay Oregon

We've been on the Oregon Coast for the past couple months. We found some new places to park the rig, got in some good days kayaking on the beautiful lakes, and have done some salmon fishing in the Umpqua River estuary at Winchester Bay.

It has been a horribly slow salmon year, the few fish that are caught are about 98% wild Coho, which must be released - I think the Coho recovery program is successful but it's sure frustrating for the fishermen!

We have friends who have been fishing hours & hours over 2 months; they've caught more fish than anyone thanks to their perseverance. And lucky us: they shared some of their catches with us.

Jamie has fished quite a bit and has caught some nice ones that all had to be released. I don't fish as much, but I've really lucked out. I've hooked several that I  released and netted this lovely Coho 'keeper'.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Movin' On

We left our good friend Terry's place near Colton OR and moved out to the coast today. It's always good to see Terry and his faithful companion Ellie Mae, and sad to say 'hasta la vista'. But we are looking forward to catching a few wild salmon!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Denmark 2018 - home again

Wonderful vacation, but so glad to wake up in my own bed with my head on my own pillow and with my sweet hubby 'spooning' this morning. Unfortunately, also with a nasty head cold. 🤒🤧

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Denmark 2018 - stroll in the park

Kinda lazy today; we both have little colds and are frankly weary from all the busy days with miles & miles of walking and hours & hours in galleries and museums. So we walked to the Botanical Gardens and just enjoyed the quiet and beauty.

Tomorrow we return to Portland and our dear friend Terry Shaffer is picking us up and taking us home, to our trailer & our very own bed & pillows. It's been a good vacation.

Denmark 2018 - Christiania

This is an 'alternative lifestyle' community which was established in 1971 by a group taking advantage of squatters' rights in an abandoned military barracks. It is the 2nd most visited attraction in Copenhagen, just behind Tivoli Gardens. While marijuana is not legal in Denmark, it is mighty popular here - one could get high on the 2nd-hand smoke 😯. The murals here are spectacular and they show us the hippies are alive & well.

This is the exit sign:

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Denmark 2018 - Copenhagen bikes

There are 2.4 bikes for every person in this city; bikes are the principal means of transportation. Cars are expensive, with a huge sales tax levied at purchase + the city is very strong on clean air and pollution controls. We have some videos of the masses of bikes, especially when everyone is going to & from work. Don't step into a bike lane, you will be run over! The whole scene reminds me of huge bike rallies. These pics are illustrative of parked bikes everywhere.

Denmark 2018 - Copenhagen, Glyptotek Gallery

The Glyptotek is Scandinavia's top art gallery,  a huge and amazing gallery with permanent exhibits ranging from prehistoric to modern. The gallery was donated by brewer Carl Jacobsen, a positive example of what beer money can do.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Denmark 2018 - Brorup

Yesterday I met my Danish cousin Norman Rask Pedersen; his grandmother and my grandfather were sister and brother. Norman and his wife Kirsten treated us to a very special day, the highlight of which was visiting the ocean front home where our grandparents grew up. These are pictures of the home, Norman & Kirsten, and Norman & Me.

They topped off a day of touring by treating us to one of the most delightful dining experiences we've ever had, a multi-course traditional Danish gourmet meal in a castle. Wow, just Wow! ( Jamie & I are still full 12 hours later)