Monday, February 29, 2016

Recent ART

WOW!  I just discovered I haven't posted photos of any recent paintings!  So here's an update of the pieces I've completed so far this year.

I've taken a little time off from painting, doing other stuff, but I'm wired to get out my supplies & crank out a few pieces I've been itching to get at.  Stay tuned . . .

I painted this as a birthday gift for Grandson Miles.  It's called 'All that Glitters'  There is glittery pyrite and an obsidian arrowhead in it, among other things.

 These 2 X 12 roses are watercolor on Yupo, a 'plastic' surface.  Fun to work with!  I donated these to the 65 Roses for Cystic Fibrosis benefit held in Loveland Colorado by my good friend Billie Colson -- her granddaughter has Cystic Fibrosis.

Gypsy Update

We've spent the past 9 days in Patagonia Lake State Park, 80 miles SE of Tucson Arizona.  This area is SO different from the rest of southern Arizona -- higher elevation and lots of deciduous trees & yucca and very little cactus. 

Tomorrow we return to a sweet campground within Tucson Mountain Park, just west of the City in the hills; Saguaro National Park West adjoins the Mountain Park.  This whole area has the densest, most varietal cactus and other desert vegetation we've seen anywhere.  It is truly magnificent!  We're looking forward to a good week there, hiking and exploring + we can catch up on shopping -- especially organic and bulk foods at Sprouts & Whole Foods. 

Mid-March we begin a slow migration to Oregon.  I'll try to post periodic updates.

BTW, Jamie hasn't missed his 'day job' one darn bit ;-)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

On the Road Again!

Howdy!  We've camped in the Sonoran Desert since Christmas, on BLM land outside Ajo Arizona.  Right now we're exploring places near Tucson: Tucson Mountain Park, Patagonia Lake State Park, and who knows where else?

Life is GOOD!