Thursday, November 21, 2013


Just finished this piece; it's the totem in the town of Jasper in Jasper National Park, Alberta Canada.
Here is a story that is associated with Two Brothers:

Long ago, two brothers from Haida Gwaii were possessed by a curiosity to see the mountains. They made the journey over the water to the mainland and then travelled inland for days until they came to the Rockies. Curiosity sated, one brother returned home, but the other brother decided to stay in the mountains.

Years passed, and the brother who had returned wondered about his brother who had stayed behind in the mountains. Deciding to look for him, the man journeyed back to the place where they had last been together, and there, in the exact spot where they had stood, was a house.

The man called out "Anyone home?" and a woman's voice answered, "Yes, come in."

The mountain brother had died, but standing there was his daughter, the Island brother's niece.

It's so much fun to have paintings of places we've visited & things we've seen, and it's wonderful to have some paintings that fit in the limited wall space in our 5th wheel!

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