Saturday, April 27, 2024

Joining the Welcome to Livermore series

This cluster of ripe oranges were right at eye level, on one of my daily walks in Livermore. 

'Low Hanging Fruit', 6x8 watercolor on Yupo.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Art catch up

I've been painting quite a lot lately. Here are some of my newest pieces.

These two are from 'Oregon Coast Memories' series.

It IS easy being green!

Little Red House on the Lake

Sometimes I just need to play. 
These two mixed media (acrylic, watercolor, collage) pieces were done on illustration board. 
The first is titled 'Heading Home', and the second is 'Follow Me'. 
This type of work comes from intuition, from the heart, letting the painting itself lead me where it wants to go.

Heading Home

Follow Me

Thursday, April 18, 2024

At Long Last!

I have these five paintings in the Livermore Art  Association Spring Show! 

All the years we were fulltime RVers, I didn't enter shows or exhibit in galleries. Now that I'm a Livermore resident, it seemed fitting to join the local art group and enter this show. 

I helped check in work and, trust me, there's some mighty fine art in this exhibit of 260 creations. 

If you are anywhere near Livermore CA, please drop by the Bothwell Center on 8th street this Saturday & Sunday April 20th & 21st, 10:00 - 4:00. I'll be there Saturday afternoon and for a while Sunday too. Hope to see you!

Paz. Shalom. Amani. Aquere. Peace.

Moving On

Broken Promise


When the Kids Go Out To Play