Thursday, April 14, 2022

Another New Piece

This 5" x 5" watercolor on Gessobord was another experiment - acrylic is the typical medium for Gessobord. I found it fun for watercolor, subtle texture and the pigment basically sits on the surface, very easy to lift . . . intentionally or accidentally. 

This is the North Fork Valley at Paonio Colorado. I believe that's Lamborn Mountain, West Elk Range. The Valley provides a perfect climate for fruit orchards, vineyards, and an abundance of organic crops. 

My son Greg is living there now, while working on getting his fiancee Rosemery and his little boy Mateo moved from Peru to the United States. He lived in Paonia  years ago and loved it --- so did we! I painted this so Rosemery could see the beautiful place she will come to when her visa is approved.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Beep Beep

 New Mexico's State Bird, the Roadrunner.  This 13"x 4.5" watercolor on paper is part of 'The Land of Enchantment' series. 

Monday, April 4, 2022

Something New!

 I've been toting around an 11x14 piece of Ampersand Claybord for years and finally decided to try it. It's a very interesting and very different surface for watercolor, rather fun & somewhat challenging. I'm happy with this sunset - photo taken at the Roadrunner BLM area just south of Quartzsite AZ. 

Shhhhh. Don't tell Cousin Jo - it's a gift for her.