Saturday, February 27, 2021

New Painting

 I just finished this 8" x 5.5" watercolor, a New Zealand South Island memory. "Preening Kea". 

Photo reference taken at Arthur's Pass.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

New Watercolor

 Just finished this 15" x 9" watercolor on 140# cold press Fabriano paper. 

'Haida Hummingbird', from photo I took in Sitka, Baranof Island, Alaska. This is one of the many First Nations symbols. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

My Muse has returned!

Wow! I have successfully completed four small watercolors in the past month.
It feels so darned good to have creative energy again. I am happy with these little pieces, three of which are gifts for family members who have reminded me they could use some new art.

Tree Orchids
Elephant Butte New Mexico

Haida Salmon Symbol
First Nations art from Sitka Alaska

Gold Crown Along the Chama
Rio Chama, New Mexico

Hawaiian Sea Turtle

New Paintings

 My apologies for being totally remiss in keeping my blog current. I will be using this blog as a forum for my artwork now. And perhaps the occasional travel photos and commentary. 

2020 proved to be a drain on my creative energy; the constant barrage of political chaos and then the coronavirus pandemic just zapped it. 

These are the only pieces I undertook last year 🙄.

Raven, a gift for my grandson Miles Batchelder 

Siena Rooftops and Tuscan Hills, another gift for dear friends

Grosvenor Arch, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument