Friday, April 19, 2019

Tennessee - Great Smokey Mountains waterfalls

The National Park does have some [fairly small] waterfalls. As always, waterfalls are scenic.

Tennessee #4 Smokey Mtns NP

The Great Smokey Mountains have always had some haze. However, it increases every year due mostly to pollution from coal-fired power plants. This, folks, is one of the reasons I get on my 'we gotta start taking care of our environment' soapbox periodically.

The day we visited the National Park was considered a fairly clear day. It was more clear in the morning; I took this picture around 2:00 pm when the pollution was really settling in.

Tennessee #3

The wild turkeys which live around here are getting more used to use, coming much closer to our trailer. I took these pictures through our back window - didn't want to go outside and spook them away; as it was, they heard the click of my camera & looked up every time I took a picture.

There were 6 or 7 in this group. They were eating the seed heads off dandelions. Good turkeys!

Tennessee #2

Our views, from our trailer.

Tennessee #1

Last week we traveled from North Carolina over the Great Smokey Mountains  to just north of Knoxville Tennessee. We are parked in the driveway of friends' country home, making the place 'look occupied' while they are in New Zealand.

It is stunningly beautiful here; rolling hills, very green, lots of trees & flowers in bloom - and this property adjoins a 'natural area'. We are close to the City and the Great Smokey Mountains National Park is a 2-hour drive away.

Our plan is to stay until the owners return mid-May. . . longest we've been in one place for a very long time!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Cappuccino and a view

Enjoying my daily cappuccino in our front yard and simply enjoying the quiet early morning lake.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Morning on the Lake

There's heavy fog on Strom Thurmond Lake this morning, and it is beautiful! I love the fog, as long as I'm not driving.

Our neighborhood Great Blue Heron was shore fishing right outside our trailer. I took the pictures through the window, but he must have spotted me. So glad I got this shot of him flying off, and his image reflected in the glassy smooth water!