Tuesday, August 16, 2016


I've had both the time & the inclination to paint another fun watercolor on YUPO.  This goldfish joins my 'cute crazy critter collection'.

Friday, August 12, 2016


I don't seem to find a lot of time for painting these days: traveling full-time in our 5th-wheel RV there's just so much to see & do, plus since Jamie retired he acts like he's on vacation every day!  Back when he worked 9-10 hour days, then was burned out, I had tons of time to myself and often spent the 'work day' painting.  Oh well, we don't have wall space for much art,so what the heck!

Here's my second piece from our British Isles trip in May-June.  We went to an island off the coast of Scotland, in the Atlantic, that has literally thousands of Puffins.  You can hike to the cliffs where they hang out and visit them up-close-and-personal.  We both got lots of good pictures.  This one is another 8" X 8" watercolor on YUPO, one of my critter collection.