Monday, December 23, 2013


Wishing you all the most wonderful Holiday, however you celebrate, surrounded by those you hold dear.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Greetings from the desert just south of Quartzsite AZ. The last 10 days we've parked on free BLM land, livin' 'off the grid'. It's been a great opportunity to check out our systems for 'boondocking', that is relying on our solar, generators, fresh water storage, and MiFi & satellite internet. The solitude has been most welcome after spending most of our time in RV parks -- we have NO neighbors visible from our trailer! The sights from here are low mountains on 3 sides, and desert vegetation including sagauro and other cactus, and incredible sunrises and sunsets.

Every day we've taken long hikes in the desert, and in the gold-mining foothills to the west. Evenings have been cozy, reading [no TV for Jamie!], and enjoying our propane furnace & the heat it puts out. It's been chilly the past couple days, lows in the low-30s and highs in the 50s (my apologies to those of you who are living in the icebox!). Right now, at 5:00 pm I'm sitting outside with a glass of wine and doing my last little computer work before stowing my laptop for the journey to Ajo AZ tomorrow.