Saturday, February 23, 2013

Weekend Work

Hard at it again this weekend, working on breaking up housekeeping.  It's a HUGE job, so much more than simply moving to another place.  We went to the storage lot & checked on our wonderful new home, aka '5th-wheel' this morning & all is well with it.  It looks like we'll be ready to move it to an RV park in 5-6 weeks & set up housekeeping there while doing the last little touch-ups to the house & getting it on the market.  We'll probably stay pretty close by until we close [it ain't over till the fat lady sings . . . ].  Hoping to be on the road late May early June :-)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cold, and COLD!

It's snowy, cold, and foggy here in Loveland Colorado this morning - YUK!  And I came down with a nasty COLD -- double YUK!  Haven't had one in a very long time, and am feeling better this morning.  Need to go stretch the 'way-too-much-bed-time' kinks out & get back to working on getting the tax stuff ready for the accountant.  BOY! I sure know how to have fun!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

last call

I've sold SO much of my excess art supplies & equipment, but still have a few things left.  Anything that's left the 1st of March will be donated somewhere.  So, if you still want to pick up some books and supplies at rock-bottom prices, shoot me a message.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


While sorting through my jewelry I came upon some lovely pieces I made many years ago -- silversmithing and lapidary!  It was a trip down memory lane, and Jamie was amazed at what I'd done while an instructional aide at the high school in Idaho Springs Colorado.  I got out the silver cleaner and polished up some choice pieces and sent them off to my lovely granddaughters for Valentine's Day.  Sure hope they like them and treasure them as mementos from Gram Jean.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Yukky day!

Cold & dreary Sunday here in Loveland Colorado!  Enjoying a cappucino (Jamie makes the best ever!) in my jammies & surfing for Corelle to replace our dinnerware.  Found a wonderful pattern & Jamie agrees so we'll get it. . . . one more thing to cross off the list :-)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Studio Time????

I've had tons of time in the studio, but not painting!  It's so nice & orderly & clean and I'm inspired to finish a piece I started months ago.  Gotta get at it!

Selling lots -- plenty left

I've had tremendous response from other artists who are buying my excess art supplies & equipment at bargain-basement prices.  Still have quite a bit left.  Open House this Saturday 10:00-2:00, and also available by appointment.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Making Progress!

A number of my artist friends came by and picked up art books, supplies, studio equipment, etc. and made a big dent in the things that won't go with us in the 5th wheel -- but I still have quite a lot, including some great books!  Son Scott came up from Lakewood today & gave my studio a fresh coat of paint so it's 'ready to go'. Now I can move my pared-down furnishings & supplies back in & be careful not to make a mess.