Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sunday Morning Venice #2

Finally got back to my studio this afternoon, after several days of family stuff.  The woman is starting to take shape; I hope to finish her tomorrow, then I'll proceed to the rest of the building and flowers.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sunday Morning Venice #1

I've gotten a pretty good start on my painting of a woman in Venice, looking down from her window at the Sunday strollers.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sunday Morning Venice

We went to Italy twice in the past year, exploring the Cinque Terre, Venice, Florence, and much of Tuscany.  As you can imagine, I have tons of photo references.  There are a couple series that I'll do, but first I NEED to paint this delightful lady who was checking out the Sunday Strollers from her vantage point above the square. The photo pretty much nailed the composition, just a little cropping & a couple tweaks -- the finished piece will be about 22" h X 20" w.  It's about half drawn; I can finish that today & hopefully start painting.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Essence #3

I finally finished my latest in the up-close-and-personal iris series.  These paintings illustrate the heart of iris from my garden -- the essence! 

I'm ready to pop this in the waiting matte & frame, and hang it on my living room wall with the other 2 in the series.

There are so many photo references in my queue, just waiting to transform into watercolor paintings.  What shall I paint next????? 

McKee Commission

I presented my final series of 4 'seasons' watercolors to the McKee Service League & administration representatives yesterday.  I'm happy to report they loved it and we are proceeding with framing.  The dedication/unveiling will be announced later.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Back at it!

I'm rested from Studio Tour, got my 'thank-you' notes all done, and just need to update my web site.  I still haven't finished 'The Essence #3', but should get back to it today or tomorrow.  This afternoon I present my 4-painting installation piece to the McKee Medical Center art committe; I sure hope the like what they see!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Studio Tour Day 2

Another awesome day, steady visitor traffic & great sales.  I'm pooped & am 'hangin' with my honey' for the evening.

Studio Tour Day 1

Wow!  Great turnout for the first day of the Loveland Art Studio Tour -- 100 or more visitors & lots of sales.  Hope today is just as good. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Essence #3

Almost done!  Just a little more left for the background at the bottom, and a couple details here & there.  There's still tons to do for Studio Tour, but I think I can find another hour or so to finish this up today.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Art Marketing

Rats!  Didn't make it to the studio & my PIP again today!  However, I did get all my paintings hung & ready for the Loveland Art Studio Tour this coming Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 13th & 14th.  Also got blank pages added to my Guest Book, and distributed invitations around my neighborhood.  I'm hoping for a really good turnout, and it looks like it will be :-)

Sunday, October 7, 2012


No studio time this weekend -- real busy getting everything ready for Studio Tour.  Guess I'll get up really early tomorrow & hang the rest of my paintings, then I'll be about ready to receive lots of 'tour'-ists next Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 13th & 14th.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Essence #3

Coming right along on this one, even though I haven't had a whole lot of time in my studio.  I'm hoping to get it finished so I can feature it during Studio Tour the 13th & 14th. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Essence #3

Managed to sneak a little time in the studio early this morning, and got some more done on my new piece.  It's starting to take shape, and I'm starting to get excited about it -- guess I'll head for the studio in the wee hours again tomorrow!