Wednesday, August 29, 2012

McKee Winter 4

Winter is substantially complete!  It can now hang around with Fall -- they'll both let me know if they need any fine-tuning. 

Today I dropped shadows into the snow to give it more definition, and I added shadows to the snow on the pine boughs also.  The final work was detailing the aspen trees.

McKee Winter 3

Monday was down day for me -- the air quality was horrible & consequently I felt horrible too!  Didn't get much done on me series of paintings for McKee Hospital.  Luckily, the air cleared quite a bit & I've been able to work. 

Yesterday I dropped in the water and reflections.  The painting is getting closer to completion.

Friday, August 24, 2012

McKee Winter 2

Busy day in the studio; I got quite a bit done on the second of my 'seasons' series for McKee Hospital in Loveland CO.

The masking fluide was removed from the pine trees, more pines added in the distance, and the winter-willows added in the mid-ground.  I'll probably detail the aspen trees next -- they still have masking fluid on them!

McKee Winter 1

Got a good start on the second of the series of four 'seasons' watercolors for McKee Hospital in Loveland CO.

Winter: the large sections were sketched in and the aspen trees and snow on pine boughs masked out.  I added drops of masking fluid for falling snow as that will bring a sense of action to the piece.  Then I painted in the details of Longs Peak. 

Next I'll work on the pine trees and the distant mid-ground.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mc Kee Fall 8

This first of four watercolors for McKee Hospital is 99% done.  I'll keep it handy for awhile, just to see if there's any 'fine-tuning' left to do. 

Now I'm starting on Winter!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

McKee Fall 7

Continuing the first of four paintings for McKee Hospital in Loveland CO.

Subtle changes from the last post: aspen tree trunks are detailed, as is the ground vegetation on the right side of the painting; the rocks are 'anchored' in the water; the shoreline middle-to-right is defined; and the moraine rocks in the center of the painting are more defined.

The final steps are to complete the left mid-ground and put the details in Mt. Meeker.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

McKee Fall 6

Next step on the PIP (Painting in Progress) for a series of watercolors commissioned by McKee Hospital in Loveland CO.

The water has been added, using a technique I learned from Mark Mehaffey, nationally-acclaimed watercolorist and instructor.  Rather than depicting clear definition of the mountains and trees, Mark teaches a 'representational' approach for reflections in high country lakes.  I tested his theory while backpacking in the Rockies and indeed, the landscape is not as distinct as we tend to think, but the colors are vividly reflected. 

Next I'll work on the detailing in the mountain face, using the deep rich purples of the reflection.  I'll add darker pigment leading from the water up through the meadow and on to the mountain 'focal' point.

Friday, August 17, 2012

McKee Fall 5

Continuing the PIP (Painting in Progress) for a series of watercolors commissioned by McKee Hospital in Loveland CO.

The stand of pines on the left mid-ground is done.  I also lifted out some rocks in the low areas of the alpine meadow, indicating the glacial moraine, and enhanced the contrast between the aspen foliage and the distant mountain range. 

I'm anxious to do the water as that anchors the piece, and will reflect the brilliant autumn colors of the landscape. Check back soon to see how the water 'completes' the painting.

After the water is finished, I'll go back and do the fine detail work in the aspen trees and Mt. Meeker.  Then I can start on the next of the series!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

McKee Fall 4

Continuing progress on the first painting of a series of four pieces for McKee Hospital in Loveland CO.

The mid-ground has now been painted in, including a stand of pine near the foot of the mountain.  I removed the masking fluid from the trees, but left it on the rocks so that I can again apply pigment freely in the area of water.

The next step is to paint in the pines on the left and perhaps do the water. 

McKee Fall 3

Continuing progress on the first painting of a series of four pieces for McKee Hospital in Loveland CO.

The rocks lining the shore of the body of water were painted, then the aspen trunks & other elements masked out to prepare for painting the mid-ground.  Masking fluid is tedious and I don't often use it; however, in this instance I wanted to be able to apply paint freely to the entire area without having to interrupt the flow by carefully painting around the trees & rocks.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

McKee Fall 2

Continuing the PIP (Painting in Progress) for a series of watercolors commissioned by McKee Hospital in Loveland CO.

The second step for this piece was to lay in the brilliant autumn colors in the aspen trees, and continue refining the overall design.  The trunks & limbs of the aspen trees have now been established, as well as the shoreline of the body of water in the foreground and a stand of evergreen trees on the left.

Mc Kee Fall 1

I'm starting on a series of four large watercolors for McKee Hospital in Loveland, Colorado.  The individual paintings depict local mountain scenes as viewed during the four seasons.  The first piece I'm working on is Fall, with lots of brilliant autumn colors.

The first step was to paint the sky and the distant mountain range with Mount Meeker & Longs Peak.  I also sketched in the aspen trees and a rough outline of the major elements; this establishes the "flow" of the design early on.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Another Learning Experience!

I decided it's about time I had a blog, so here I go!  I'll use this to post photos of my P.I.P.s -- Paintings In Progress.  Stay tuned!